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Invitation to Visitors Networking Business Breakfast at WEBX


WEBX are holding one of our renowned Visitors Business Breakfast meetings on 22nd January at Weymouth Pavilion, 7.15am - 9am

If you are a start-up business or a local business looking to grow business leads then WEBX is perfect for meeting like-minded business owners who may be able to help you grow your business through referring work to one another.

Weymouth Business Exchange (WEBX) is a Networking Group for local business owners or their representatives.

We work together to generate more business for each other.

We do this by applying this philosophy;

“If I help you find the business, you are likely to want to help me find business”

Each member uses the other members as their sales team.

So when you're looking for a carpenter, WEBX has a member you can use, or if your looking for Financial advise, our relevant member can offer that too.

And it may not be you looking for a service, you may have a friend, family member or acquaintance who is looking for one of our member's services.

Our visitor's breakfast is FREE to first-time visitors, £10 for returning visitors and on offer at only £5 for returning Chamber members.

WEBX only have 1 member per category, ie only 1 carpenter at any time can be a member, and visitors are only able to attend if their business category is currently available.

A full list of our members can be found on our website

There is no obligation to join, however, we always look forward to new businesses or individuals joining us.

Should you wish to join WEBX it's £100 membership per year then £30 a month to cover the cost of breakfasts and room hire.

WEBX meets every Tuesday with the exception of the first Tuesday in the month.

So, if you'd like to join us for our Visitors business breakfast on 22nd Jan, click the link and register today.

Registrations close at 8pm on Thursday 17th January.

We look forward to welcoming you


Weymouth Business Exchange

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